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Query: H. Focell


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The digital clock hanging above the counter let out the steady cadence of an analogue design not regularly seen for thousands of years. Fitting for an Armory manager nostalgic for a time long, long gone perhaps. But each beat felt like pin pricks in her arm threatening to drive her mad.

Duress fidgeted in her seat and quickly glanced around. The tiny certification office was overwhelming to her senses. Far too many people for the space. Suffocating. Too many eyes glancing about. Only two exits. Too many sudden movements. A buzzer rings out and she jolts stiff in her seat. The ticker flips to the next number in line. Not hers. So far off. She fiddles with her left breast pocket but her hand finds nothing inside to take comfort with.

Click click. The sound of a bolt. Her eyes flick side to side. The sound of a pen. Time crawls. Feet shuffle around her. The buzzer rings out. Several people jolt but she the most. Feet shuffle. A solid core thunders out. A worker continues away from the heavy shut door. The buzzer rings. She jolts.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

The buzzer rings. She jolts. Her squadmate keys in the detonation sequence for the explosives. The man sitting across from her continues to tap away at his dataslate.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

The buzzer rings. She jumps as her mech plummets out of the dropship. Wind scraping against the hull. The hum of the AC continues as it struggles with the amount of people in the room.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

The buzzer rings. She winces and unconsciously reaches for her left breast pocket…

There's no Freeze.
That's field use only.
She couldn't here.
It would make them all look bad.
It would disappoint her.

The buzzer rings again far too soon and for longer. She glances up to see the clerk glaring at her over the counter.

“Come on Miss, we don't have all day.”

She bolts up, nearly dropping her files but clumsily catches it. The room is nearly empty now. At the counter she slides her files across. The clerk takes them before turning away to examine his new work. The file slot on the counter window slides shut and she lets out a small sigh of relief.




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Harrison Armory RM-4 Pilot Identification Protocol Record: 0e82029f-65c1-4277-8c38-d52494c9a5a0

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Focell.Hannah: 0e82029f-65c1-4277-8c38-d52494c9a5a0

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Citizen[Z362L-94r] Rank: Management

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Name (or legal alias): Hannah Focell

Callsign: DURESS

Date of Birth: 4 / 29 / 4933u

Age: 33 (S) , 83 (A)

Service Record: 15 Years (S)

Legion Enlisted Classification: Commissioned

Rank: LG_O-2

Current Unit: Inter-Legion Advanced AMT Operations Group 3

Qualifications: Chasis Pilot (Lancer Grade), Unconventional Chasis Warfare, Urban Chasis Warfare, Stellar Chasis Warfare, Direct Action, Special Reconnaissance, Demolition, Sabotage, Intelligence Gathering

Medical Records Status: Classified
To request permission to view current medical records submit form LMRRF-071 to Colonial Legionnate Office or provide authorization key.

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Authorization Key Acknowledged

Downloading Medical Records and Associated Files

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Searching Files for specified items: 1 Match

Opening Comments Pending Review as of date XX/XX/XXXXu

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>LG_AN_MO H. Gilpin: ...As mentioned in the report SGM Focell exhibits common symptoms related to stimulant abuse, particularly the substance Freeze, which includes heightened anxiety, paranoia and restlessness. On top of an anxiety disorder she already experienced which was not caught by earlier medical evaluations and what appears to be developing post-traumatic stress disorder. My recommendation is an immediate cessation of field activities and a six-month assignment of physical and mental therapy at STATION LN-089430. As for the rest of the platoon it’s best that we review all personnel rel…

>LG_O-3 S. Branch: I want this case moved to someone who will fucking listen. And classify this damn file at a higher level already. As I’ve said before, this has been addressed! I will not hear anymore of this. I’m not losing my right hand because some busybody of a medical officer overstepped. If this recommendation goes through you can expect a 30% loss in unit performance AT MINIMUM. And it won’t be my head on the chopping block for that loss.

>LG_O-5 P. Cobble: Keep it calm, Sam. Let the record show that I acknowledge Medical Officer Gilpin’s concerns but Captain Branch is right. This has already been addressed in her unit’s review and doesn’t need to be appended to this file. 1LT Focell has already been cleared by our ILA CMO so I’ll take their word for it over a naval MO. Without any further concerns regarding the Lieutenant specifically I’ll be closing these comments here soon.

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Appending logs created shortly after that are considered to be related.

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>LG_O-2 S. Terrace: Branch really goes out of her way to keep Focell around huh?

>LG_O-5 P. Cobble: I forget you’re not management. It’s not an uncommon arrangement. Mid to upper management buys a nice commission and lower management, if they’re competent, makes a deal to work well with them. Then they both move up through the ranks at a nice pace.

>LG_O-2 S. Terrace: I see how that could get you some bad officers that don’t pull their weight.

>LG_O-5 P. Cobble: That’s true, but both of them are competent. And that makes the whole unit look good. And that makes both of us look good, understood?